Monday, November 3, 2008

Surf City CX - October 26, 2008

Originally uploaded by norcalcyclingnews
Category: B Men

Finally made it to one of the famed surf city events, and it lived up to its reputation as a great event. Lots of awesome costumes, beer and cash preems on the runup, warm sunshine, and loud cowbells - what more could you want? Oh yeah, raced my bike somwhere in there too...

I guess I haven't learned my lesson yet about starts, as I showed up late to the staging area and got a BAD starting position. Oh well, nothing much to do except stomp the pedals hard for the 1st lap, which got me past several guys, but still nowhere close to the leaders. The swirly grass portions of the course were my weak point, and each lap I'd get passed there, but would pick up some spots in the more technical areas and on the long flat dirt sections. The wide course made for fun racing - lots of passing back and forth and good battles for position. I rode pretty smooth, except for getting my seat caught up on the course tape about half-way through while carrying my bike across a deep gully.

All-in-all a solid race for me, finishing 20th (same as last week) of 65 riders.

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